Saturday, May 15, 2010

First week in London

First week in London... heaps of people have been asking me:

"How's London?" "How are you settling in?" "Everything ok?"

Well to answer the above questions, i can definitely say that everything is ok. It has been a smooth ride so far. I'm taking everything one step at a time. Sometimes i feel so overwhelmed cuz there are so much stuff to do (not just in London but including travelling to Europe as well). I keep forgetting that London is a very big city and it's so close to Europe!!

My housemates are all very cool. They are all from Aussieland and have been in London for a few years. They have been giving me tips - where to buy stuff and general survival tips. I’ve become the baby in the household now so they are making sure that I have everything and is settling in ok.

It’s funny how I have so many travel guides about London but I actually have not looked into it at all. I thought I would have a read on the plane flight but I didn’t get around to it. Felt so embarrassed when I didn’t even know what the Big Ben is… but I’m getting there so please forgive me!! For those who know me, I’m normally quite organised but this time round, I seriously do not know anything about London or even the countries in Europe. Need to get chopping real quick since summer is coming soon and I haven’t even organised any trips yet!!

So in this first week… because I had to go to the bank and have an interview with Robert Walter, I happened to pass and was within the same area of these touristy destination.

- Soho
- Chinatown
- Covet Garden
- London Bridge
- Hay’s Galleria
- River Thames
- Tower Bridge
- The Tower of London
- National Gallery
- Trafalgar Square
- St James Park
- Canary Wharf/Cross Harbour
- Oxford Circus

I didn’t get a chance to go into some of these attractions but I’m hoping I’ll get some more free time soon to explore in detail. It was really cool walking along the Queen’s walk (the side of River Thames). It was still a bit windy but the sun came out and it was so nice and relaxing to just sit down and observe the boats passing by the river, cars driving along the bridge and all the tourists walking around and trying to take photos with these famous attractions!!

So I guess being totally unprepared is not that bad after all!!

Anyway, that’s it for the first post about London. I have promised you guys to write more so I’ll try to make an effort to write something every few days. I can’t promise good photos and especially the ones with me in it since I’m always by myself…


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